The unexpected friendship between Kerem Bürsin and Antonio Banderas: musicals, Easter and business meetings

The unexpected friendship between Kerem Bürsin and Antonio Banderas: musicals, Easter and business meetings

Kerem Bürsin has returned to Spain for his third trip since October 2021. The Love is in the air actor has strengthened ties with Spanish culture and has succumbed to the charms of Spanish culture. The last thing he has done has been to enjoy the Holy Week in Malaga with Antonio Banderas, with whom he has developed a beautiful friendship. 

"What a day!!! What an unforgettable experience!! Thank you, Antonio Banderas and Nicole Banderas for having me, it was an absolute pleasure! Hasta que nos volvamos a ver! " the actor wrote on his Instagram profile. Bürsin has shared an image on one of the balconies in the center of Malaga with his Malaga guests, which also included the actress Cayetana Guillén Cuervo.

For his part, Banderas has also dedicated a message to his partner on social networks: "A pleasure to share with you ancient traditions of my hometown. Always very welcome dear Kerem!". Bürsin has felt very welcome in his last trip and has enjoyed getting to know Spanish customs during the Holy Week. This is what he wanted to express in a message to Banderas: "The pleasure was all mine! To be able to witness such powerful ancient traditions of your beautiful hometown Malaga was something else and to share this with you made it an honor".

This is the second time they have seen each other since they met during the Malaga Film Festival. Kerem Bürsin, who has idolized Banderas since he was a child, fulfilled one of his dreams by meeting him on stage after having enjoyed as a spectator of the show Company, directed by Banderas himself at the SOHO Theater, which he owns.

The actor said he was absolutely thrilled to have been able to meet him and, during an interview with Pronto, he revealed that he would probably have to return soon because he had meetings with Antonio Banderas. Barely a month after their meeting in the theater, they have seen each other again. We don't know if they have discussed professional projects together or if it was just a leisure visit.


Kerem Bürsin took advantage of his participation in the festival to also visit Madrid. The Turkish actor strolled through the streets of the capital and caused a furor among the fans of Love is in the air, despite the fact that he did not announce his trip on social networks and tried his best to go unnoticed. The Turkish series was such a phenomenon in Spain that it is impossible for Bürsin to hide among the city's pedestrians.

Unnoticed or not, what is clear is that Kerem Bürsin does not stop traveling to Spain and his objectives are not entirely clear. The only thing we know is that he has meetings in hand with Banderas and also with Carlos Bardem, as the actor posted in his 'stories'. "It's a pleasure to meet you! We have projects to talk about," he announced to his followers.

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