Kadir Doğulu- Interview for Akşam Magazine

Kadir Doğulu- Interview for Akşam Magazine

Vuslat's character Aziz and Caner from ' Admiral Batti Kaciyoruss' ,Kadir Dogulu has strengthens his place in the world of television with his numerous characters.We are talking about those who are curious about the series and his private life. His wife Neslihan Atagul'un series who's filming in Manisa .he also has a sweet reproach: "These days we are being tasted with longing and longing"

J: What did Aziz character add to you or what did you add to it? 
K: All the characters I'm prepared for. I'll start out of myself. I'll try to find my own Aziz ,Ali,Guney and when I'm preparing, I take advantage of the basic method of acting that I know. Aziz is a man with a very shallow life on the show. There are far-reaching characters in our show about faith, about life, and Aziz doesn't fit them, so if you're asking if Kadir has fed on Aziz. no. He's never fed.

J:What do you attribute to the success of the 'Vuslat' serie?
K:We wanted a job that said something different and we did it. In some periods, Turkish TV series are becoming a vicious circle. Two women like a man. rich man like poor woman ... Yes! these are beautiful because they are cliché, but it's about how the vicious circle is processed. Those who reflect this differently find space in the audience. We took love from a completely different angle. We wanted to change its size, say it differently. and do good things. Because we are formally different, we've been involved in people and stopped.

J: Do you as an actor have any rules? 
K: You can't be an actor if you have rules. People are different.There are people of all kinds. The rule of a doctor cannot be the same as the rule of a civil servant. When you play a father or a businessman. those rules change constantly. So if you put the rules in front of your acting means that you put an obstacle to your acting .

J:Do you say, 'I'll never play a female character? 
K:First of all i look if such a character could be played . If a person like that exists in real life. I'll give her life. If acting is the art of reflecting every aspect of a person, I'm never interested in gender, perspective. I'll do my best to be that person.

J: Do you find yourself successful? What are your criteria for success? 
K: If I can put my head comfortably on the pillow, it's enough for me if I can justify it. I don't care if anyone finds me successful.

J:What do you think about the Turkish TV series that have recently returned to digital? What effect did this have for the Turkish TV series?
K: In fact, it should have benefited, but after several unsuccessful attempts that seemed to be beautiful, both the budget and the perspective changed in the digital sector. There's something wrong on TV.There were bold leaps in digital to see if we could eliminate the glitch. We thought we could say everything we couldn't do on TV that we couldn't say. But as you can see, we've messed with it. We can't use digital media correctly, but we're going to thrive.there's tv culture in Anatolia.

J:What is the biggest problem in Turkish TV series?
K:When a daughter wants to be an artist, her Turkish father disowns her. The father in Turkish society does not do that. This is something that the Turkish series has created... Whereas if we showed the woman's power, the girl, without worrying about ratings, just as a service to the community, it would be so good. Because television is the gateway to every house.

without worrying about ratings, just as a service to the community, it would be so good. Because television is the gateway to every house.

J: What do you do besides acting?
K:I'm taking the time to listen to my head. Listening isn't for me to sleep or sit down. I can't rest like that. As soon as I get off the set, I'm going somewhere and I'm camping. One day or two. I spend time with my dogs. intertwined with nature. Because going outside the normal routine relaxes me.

J:You often have camping holiday with your wife Neslihan?
K: We have interests, together and separately. I'll take care of that painting, the tree, the furniture. I have my own workshop where I can do something of my own. That's why we're trying to spend as much time with each other as we can.

J:Do you have new routes?
K: Our goal last summer was to go to Mongolia and we will do it this year. We will leave Turkmenistan by road, tour Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, then go to Mongolia and stay for 10 - 15 days.

J: What do you intend to do on this trip?
K: Our goal is this: We want to tell you where the wealth in our land comes from. They say that everyone in the world should learn English. No sir, the language of the world is Turkish! Very little English is spoken. You can speak Turkish until you go to Mongolia. You don't need to speak a word of English. Maybe dialects, meanings may be a little different, but you'll definitely get along. We want to go to experience it.

J: You are far away of your wife who's shooting for the series in Mugla Is there a longing?

K: It's been over three months I went once, and she came back once. That's why we're being tested for longing and longing these days. But it's going well. Neslihan's set environment is beautiful.

J: How do you and your wife evaluate the projects that come ?
K: Neither of us do things by targeting the ratings. To me, the criterion of success is whether or not to do the job properly. I'm looking at whether I'm doing the job well or not. The rating ensures the permanence of the work. It gives you time to tell the public what they want.

J: Are you upset about the negative comments about your marriage ?
K: We know ourselves, we know how we live.That's why we don't care.

J: Is there anything you feel lacking in your life ?
K: If you know yourself you don't feel anything missing.. Because what's missing? "Should I be there?', 'If I had it?".. If your heart is gentle, there's nothing missing.

J: You are on the stage with 'Amiral Batti Kaciorusss'. How are the reactions coming?
K: There are 35 shows in total. We played our 11th show. With our play, we travel around Istanbul as well as Anatolia.I was most excited about visiting and exploring Anatolia.. Because it was an incredibly valuable way for me to understand how people felt and laughed in Turkish culture.

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