Can Yaman publishes a video of Viola come il Mare 2 with Francesca Chillemi, accompanied by a very romantic message about a kiss.
Can Yaman is clearly pleased with the warm reception the audience on Canale 5 is giving the second season of Viola come il Mare . To celebrate the airing of the second episode and the high ratings, the Turkish actor shared an intense video with Francesca Chillemi, his co-star on the Lux Vide series, focusing on the kiss and romance.
Can Yaman Between Sandokan and Viola come il Mare 2
It's a busy time for Can Yaman, the most beloved Turkish actor of all time, who is currently working on the set of Sandokan while keeping an eye on the broadcast of the second season of Viola come il Mare, a project that is very dear to him. Yaman has taken on the role of the Tiger of Malaysia, and he is thrilled by the enthusiasm shown by the international cast he will be working with for many months on set between Lazio and Calabria. Rumors are circulating about a potential fling with Alanah Bloor, the beautiful young actress portraying Lady Marianna. After months of intense physical and mental preparation, learning a script entirely in English with particular care and attention to diction, Can is full of positive energy and wants his Sandokan to be unforgettable. He is aware that he will inevitably have to compete with the "ghost" of the Sandokan played by Kabir Bedi in the 1970s, which made the character created by Emilio Salgari famous on television as well.
Yaman is in great shape, having lost weight and showing off his muscles, but he is also closely following the audience's response to the airing of the second season of Viola come il Mare on Canale 5. Attached to the character of Chief Inspector Francesco Demir and the cast that accompanied him for many months in Sicily during filming, the Turkish actor expressed his gratitude for the high ratings by posting a special video on Instagram.
Can Yaman Highlights the Kiss with Francesca Chillemi
The Turkish actor has always admitted to being particularly attached to the character of Francesco Demir, as it was his first experience with an all-Italian script, and he is delighted with the results achieved on set. However, it's also true that in recent weeks, despite the apparent harmony during filming in Sicily, Yaman has thrown more than a few obvious and subtle hints, such as when he praised his co-star Chiara Tron. A few months ago, Can posted an intense video with Francesca Chillemi, a clip from the second episode where a passionate kiss takes place.
"I wish a kiss like this to those who dream together with me and remain faithful to the journey."
This was the comment of the charming Turkish actor on Instagram, who sincerely thanked his fans for watching him in prime time on Canale 5. The scene certainly stands out, especially considering the rumors of a small dispute with Chillemi, following some social media hints. But perhaps it is precisely for this reason that Can wanted to confirm that there is no enmity between him and his co-star.
I miss you so much jean