2016 MBC Music Core
2016 Mnet Asian Music Awards
Jimin was standing there alone while waving at the fans and when Nayeon saw him, she looked at Jeongyeon and tried pulling her to the front and we can all see how shy Jeongyeon was but Nayeon however managed to push jeongyeon near Jimin. To make it less evident, Jeongyeon acted casual as she was trynna interact with the fans.
Music Bank 24.02.2017
In this one, Jimin appears to be shooting Jeongyeon a “look” when she begins singing along with BTS.
MGA 2018
jeongyeon walked over to give the seniors their blankets and jimin seems like a proud boyfriend 😂😂
During bts performance at mga 2018 jeongyeon started clapping when Jimin started singing his part's but when Jihyo whispered something to her about Jimin …Jeongyeon turned her head quickly and said something to Jihyo...she’s like “What?”😮😮
The way she’s looking at him 👀👀
Jimin was so focused during jeongyeon part’s He didn’t
blink his eyes were wild open 🤣🤣
After bts won Jimin bows to twice and shortly after Jeongyeon laughs and shows Nayeon what he did.
2018 Mnet Asian Music Awards
When the fantastic performance began, Nayeon dropped her jaw and showed a very surprised reaction. Jeongyeon also admired Jimin performance with her eyes opened wide.
28th Seoul Music Awards 2019
First let’s talk about how Jeongyeon reacted to Jimin’s funny Mic tilt. She couldn’t help but laugh and now look at wannaone’s Ha Sungwoon Jimin’s closest friend looked over at Jeongyeon to see her reaction. Jeongyeon couldn't stop explaining about Jimin’s mic thing to the members and Nayeon was so overwhelmed that she patted jeongyeon on her back.
Jeongyeon cheering for BTS during their Bonsang speech.
Jimin got himself caught off guard while looking at Jeongyeon so he just bowed to her.
Jeongyeon had also been caught on camera making eye contact with Jimin, and Jeongyeon gave a smile to Jimin as well as Jimin who gave a smile to Jeongyeon. But it happened very quickly then they returned to silence and like nothing happened between them.
Jimin saw Chaeyoung , He quickly turned over to see Jeongyeon, and also bowed to her. however, she didn’t bow back or gave any response. We can all see how his eyes followed her all the way .
Look at the difference of his reaction when it was Nayeon’s turn he didn’t even look at the screen but as soon as Jeongyeon appeared , He dropped his book and cheered for her with the sticks. He looked so happy
Jimin singing Jeongyeon’s part “olla”… He knows the lyrics.
When Jimin noticed Jeongyeon and the rest moving to the stage , he followed at the speed of light without a single thought. Looks like he was desperate to be behind Jeongyeon and Also, when Jeongyeon was walking down the steps with Chungha, he patiently waited for her to walk first..
The Fact Music Awards 2019
On hearing Jimin’s name, Jeongyeon turned over and smiled But when she saw the screen, she looked down and then completely changed her expression.
Jimin stealing glances at Jeongyeon to prove that Jeongyeon is the one that Jimin is looking at while smiling...
The second fancam is the prove that Jeongyeon is the one that Jimin is looking at while smiling.
2019 KBS Song Festival
Jimin noticed jeongyeon laughing at the mc and smiled........
34th Golden Disc Awards 2020
They caught himself staring at each other...jimin mouthed jeongyeon's name to bts members " jeongyeonie"...
similar style