Megan Maxwell and Can Yaman fans have had a surprise. The famous writer confessed that she is taking advantage of the confinement to write what will be her new novel , What Are You Waiting For, in which there is a character called Can who has a great relationship with his life.
For this reason, the writer confessed that in the event that her work is shown on the big screen, she would like Can Yaman to be the protagonist. "That's the character I'm writing for now, the novel that's going to be called What Are You Waiting For? I am writing this novel and I want the character to be like Can Yaman", she confessed to be surprised by her fans. Will we see the young man star in his next production?
In addition, the German writer said that her goal is to have her books taken to television or the cinema. Regarding her famous trilogy Ask Me Anything, she said she was inspired by famous Paul Walker, although after his death, "Chris Hemsworth would be the perfect protagonist".