Actor Can Yaman has also joined the celebrity caravan, whose name was recently involved in the message spreading event. An Instagram user posted messages from the famous actor.
Enise Sude's chat room user revealed his conversations with Can Yaman. It was noted that the famous actor wanted to delete the messages he had sent and secretly search for them.
One revelation after another over the last few days is drawing attention to the magazine's agenda. Can Yaman's messages, which came on the agenda and reacted with frequent statements, have appeared.
Revealing her conversations with Can Yaman, Enise Sude shared this with the words "A quarantine craze".
Instagram user Enise Sude revealed her conversations with Can Yaman. It was remarkable that the famous actor, who said: "When you see him live, your mind will change, maybe the little boy", wants to delete the messages he sends and secretly search for her.
Enise Sude has already posted messages from Dorukhan Toköz of Instagram. Dorukhan Toköz posted a statement from her Instagram account and stated that such a message never took place and that he had initiated the necessary legal action.
Can Yaman has not yet made a statement regarding this disclosure.
Enise Sude's chat room user revealed his conversations with Can Yaman. It was noted that the famous actor wanted to delete the messages he had sent and secretly search for them.
One revelation after another over the last few days is drawing attention to the magazine's agenda. Can Yaman's messages, which came on the agenda and reacted with frequent statements, have appeared.
Revealing her conversations with Can Yaman, Enise Sude shared this with the words "A quarantine craze".
Instagram user Enise Sude revealed her conversations with Can Yaman. It was remarkable that the famous actor, who said: "When you see him live, your mind will change, maybe the little boy", wants to delete the messages he sends and secretly search for her.
Enise Sude has already posted messages from Dorukhan Toköz of Instagram. Dorukhan Toköz posted a statement from her Instagram account and stated that such a message never took place and that he had initiated the necessary legal action.
Can Yaman has not yet made a statement regarding this disclosure.