Demet Özdemir congratulates her mother with a touching message: Fortunately you exist.

Demet Özdemir congratulates her mother with a touching message: Fortunately you exist.

Mother's Day is celebrated in Turkey on the second weekend in May
Turkey celebrated Mother's Day and Demet Özdemir congratulated her through her Instagram. With a tender image of her childhood, the actress paid tribute to her mother with a touching message. "Every woman is strong, and the strongest woman I know is my mother. Fortunately, you exist," wrote the actress.

From the forced distance imposed by the coronavirus confinement, she wanted to remind her mother that despite being together she is the most important woman in her life. "Even if we can't visit them, hug them, kiss them or smell their hair, they know that they are the most beautiful place in our hearts, that they are the most loved."

Very proud and attached to her mother, this is not the first time the actress has shared images of herself on her Instagram profile. A few weeks ago, the homebound actress shared a beautiful image of her youth and a few months ago used the networks to congratulate her on her birthday demonstrating the close relationship she has with her. 

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