The TV series "Bay Yanlış", which was produced by Gold Film, directed by Deniz Yorulmazer, and scriptwriting by Aslı Zengin and Banu Zengin, and starring Can Yaman and Özge Gürel, marked the world agenda before it started broadcasting.
One of the most ambitious productions of this summer, FOX's new series “Bay Yanlış” has received worldwide acclaim in the first frames reflected in the press.
The series was included in the most talked list, with the #BayYanlanFOXta tag both in 9 different countries and on the world agenda.
In the social media, which was praised by the harmony of the duo, the #BayYanlisFOXta label was ranked 11th in the world agenda, receiving approximately 400,000 tweets in the last 24 hours. Turkey, Italy, Spain, Greece, Argentina, Brazil, the US, Puerto Rico, and Chile did quite intense appreciation tweets. The main actors of the series, Can Yaman and Özge Gürel took the first place of the list as the most talked.