In the snapshot, we see the actress hanging on the trapeze table, a pilates machine that is not suitable for beginners. With this device you can perform exercises for every part of your body and it helps to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility. In addition, it allows each exercise to be performed with greater control since it is performed on a stable structure and allows all planes to be worked on.
Thanks to Pilates, the actress keeps fit and takes care of her body. But she doesn't do it alone. Demet came to this well-known center in Turkey in the company of Mustafa Rutkay, her friend with whom she spent much of her confinement due to the coronavirus and with whom she was on holiday at the beginning of the summer onboard a ship.
But pilates isn't the only way Demet takes care of her physique. Dancing is also an important part of her daily life. The actress began her career as a dancer and even became a cheerleader for a basketball team.
From a very young age, dancing became a fundamental part of her life, as she explained in an interview. "Dancing is freedom for me. I learned to believe, trust and feel strong in my body through dancing. Dance is the reason I love my body," said the actress a few months ago.