Four years after being linked, Kadir Doğulu, the actress's husband has clarified the reasons in an interview in his country. "When we joined, we showed the utmost respect. We had no words against Burak, he is very kind. But we weren't friends, we can't be friends," he said.
However, the husband of the protagonist of 'Kara Sevda' has tried to take the iron out of the matter. "We are different," he said. "He likes football and I don't, for example, which shows how few things we have to talk about," he explained.
Like his wife, Kadir Doğulu has also shared the screen with Burak Özçivit between 2010 and 2011, when the two coincided in the series Küçük Sırlar and has very good memories. "I worked with Burak, I loved it. He is a good guy. He has qualities and is perhaps one of the most handsome men in Turkey," said Kadir, who has again insisted that they have nothing in common and that their differences in character are the reason they are not friends.