Room 309', Meeting Again: Demet Özdemir spends a fun afternoon with Fatma Toptas and Sumru Yavrucuk, her mother and sister from TV show

Room 309', Meeting Again: Demet Özdemir spends a fun afternoon with Fatma Toptas and Sumru Yavrucuk, her mother and sister from TV show

Demet Özdemir, Fatma Toptas, and Sumru Yavrucuk, the protagonists of one of the Turkish series that succeed in the afternoons of Divinity, continue to have an excellent relationship. Three years after the end of filming, the actresses have met again and shared an afternoon of laughter in which they have definitely had the opportunity to catch up on their lives.

During a year and a half that they worked together, the actresses gave life to a mother and her two daughters. On the set, as Lale, Songül and Nilüfer shared confidences, absolutely crazy, funny, and unforgettable moments. They became a family and it seems that they still are, as Demet Özdemir has shown in her social media, where she has shared a beautiful image of the reunion with a big heart.

Lale and Nilüfer's sister relationship in 'Room 309' went beyond the screen. The actresses became much more than just supporting cast members. Even more than friends. Looking through the Instagram of both of them we have discovered that they have become inseparable. "How beautiful you came into my life. You have filled the place where I could not even notice your absence from my life," Demet wrote to her friend on her birthday.

And that feeling is mutual. Despite not seeing each other as much as they would like because of their professional engagements, the two friends have a very special relationship.  "You must have a sister who every time you fall tells you not to be afraid, who is there. You must have a sister. Even if you weren't born to the same parents. Even if you don't have the same blood... Happy birthday, dear," wrote Toptas to the protagonist of Room 309.

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