Tina Cipollari noticed a similarity with Can Yaman

Tina Cipollari noticed a similarity with Can Yaman

Since Monday it started again Men and Women. In the episodes aired we have met the new members and the new suitors, one of them is very similar to the beautiful Turkish actor Can Yaman!

After the announcement of the new suitors, Tina Cipollari noticed a boy and brought him closer. The well-known publicist saw a resemblance between the young man and the handsome Turkish actor Can Yaman. 

The suitor's name is Davide and he is 26 years old. In addition to Tina, also the new beautiful young woman Sophie Codegoni, has noticed the similarity with Yaman.

In fact, the girl said she was interested in Davide and said she wanted to find out if the boy is also interesting as a person. For now, however, what is sure is that his look and appearance have certainly impressed the woman (and not only).

Obviously, there are differences between Davide and Can, for example, the suitor has much lighter hair, tending to blond, while the actor is dark brown, but in the young 26-year-old, there is something vaguely similar to Daydreamer's actor! And what do you think, is there a similarity between Davide and Can?

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