The comparison with the current character we see on Mediaset "Can Divit" in DayDreamer is inevitable.
"Daydreamer will be and always will be special to me. Also, Bay Yanlis is, as it is a magnificent and important series. The character I play now has some characteristics that I love very much. I act with great taste. He freed me more from Can Divit. Because with Can Divit I had restrictions. In the script, I was not so free.
Sometimes the script forces you to act a certain way because the scene does not allow you to improvise much.
While in this character you improvise more. This greater freedom makes me feel less bound. For example in language, as well as in behavior. If I arrived now with a monkey over my shoulder no one would say it's a strange thing, because it's a character with a lot of colors, not forced to something very defined.
Of course, Daydreamer will always be special for me and I don't hide that there is a nostalgic streak on my part. But now with Bay Yanlis, I feel freer and wilder from an acting point of view.