Yesterday, in front of Mediaset television studios' gates in Cologno Monzese, a small crowd gathered in the hope of seeing Yaman, who is expected for the interview with Verissimo, which will air on October 12.
The face mask is well dropped on the face, but the actor remained practically invisible to most people, also because of the anti-COVID rules. Even in the studio during the interview by Silvia Toffanin were admitted during the interview by very few.
So what is the disappointment of the fans? All the fault of the new look. The haircut has disappointed many of his fans.
"I liked him a lot more with long hair," said who was able to catch a glimpse of him. The series made in Turkey Daydreamer is airing on Channel 5. The next episodes tomorrow October 3 before Verissimo and 4 before Sunday Live.