On Saturday, October 10, he was the guest of the episode of the famous TV program conducted by Silva Toffanin, Can Yaman, a colleague of the actress in the popular series "Daydreamer - the wings of the dream". It was precisely on the program that the presence of the beautiful Demet Özdemir was confirmed during the next week. The news literally filled her fans with enthusiasm. Since the actress arrived in Milan a few days ago, the web has been looking for traces of her arrival in Milan.
Some photos of the actress who was seen with a face mask on her face, according to the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19, showed some pictures taken on the social media. In some photos, she is intent on greeting the fans who had the good luck to meet her since her short stay in Italy was very crowded.
Finally, one last photo of her leaving from Malpensa to return to Turkey, already the day after her conversation with Silvia Toffanin. Demet showed herself with a look that was less than flashy but did not avoid the actress to be noticed. At the moment her level of fame in Italy is really at the highest level to be able to go unnoticed.
Certainly, there is a lot of expectation for your interview that as communicated by Silvia Toffanin in the previews of the next episode, we will see it aired on Saturday, 17th October in Verissimo on Canale 5. The actress now with her colleague has entered the homes of many Italians thanks to the soap and certainly will not disappoint her huge audience.