Demet Özdemir plays Sanem in the series DayDreamer - The Wings of Dream as a guest of Silvia Toffanin on Verissimo. Born in Turkey in 1992 she lived for a long time in Istanbul, working as a singer, cheerleader, dancer, and actress until she joined Can Yaman in the series broadcast on Mediaset and in 21 countries around the world.
For the first time in Italy, she confronted her popularity: "I live success in two different ways. It's normal to be known with this job, and it`s part of this job to manage popularity. But we have a private life, which I would like to keep for myself. I am Balancing the two things".
The actress with 11 million followers on Instagram also told some stories from her past: "As a child, I was strange, a bit of a tomboy. I used to run away from home, looking for my older sister at school. During my years of growing up, my family was close to me, fortunately. As a child I was free, I used to climb trees, then I moved to Istanbul. I used that freedom to play Sanem. We are not the same, but similar. I don't know if I say everything that goes through my mind, like you do, that doesn't think about the consequences. We have the same kind of courage though".
Family stability that has made her what she is today: "My mother and I are very close, but we do not have the classic mother-daughter relationship. She was a hostess, she lived in Berlin. Sometimes I feel like her mother because I have become more caring. For example, I ask her to send me messages when she comes home. There is a sharing of duties, but she is the person who gave me the most courage. She gave me the values of life. If I am here today it's also because of her, and I think she is crying to see me here. She wanted me to be a lawyer, it's true, but she never imposed it on me. When I was a child I wanted to become one too, but life has put me on a different path, and my mother has always supported me".
A past as a dancer who does not forget: "I would like to dance again. I started when I was 15 years old, I prepared and trained to do so. Things went the way I dreamed them would but I didn't want it to remain my only job for life. I was also a basketball cheerleader, and it was a beautiful time. I smoothed the corners in those testosterone-filled games.
Demet with Sanem entered in the heart of the Italians: "It will always be an important moment during my DayDreamer career, we had a lot of fun and commitment. Glad that you can appreciate the result. I am proud of it". A couple of actors who make fans dream, however, are only together in TV fiction: "With Can Yaman we have a great relationship, it was a great trip together, and I wish him a rich and ambitious career. We are friends in life, he is a person full of values, whom I love very much, even if we don't see each other often. He is someone I care about very much".
The life beyond DayDreamer is always on TV for Demet: "I am preparing a new series in Turkey, very different from DayDreamer. It's based on a true story, about a woman who tries to stay on her feet after a tragedy. Now after eight years it's time to face a drama for me too, a new path. I work so much that when I look in the mirror I see myself old, but because I cry a lot on this set. Thank God I have a lot of energy. I am a person who loves to have fun as if I were still 20 years old".
One difficulty added that of returning to shoot in times of pandemic: "Returning to the set after the lockdown was difficult, but we have a more and more alive and present feeling. I was afraid for my family, and for older people. All of us are a source of risk, that's why we have to be responsible".
Very sensitive about her private life, however, she gives Toffanin a confirmation: "I would like to be a mother, but it's not a forced decision. One day I will be one too. I have often wondered what kind of mother I could be. I hope to be serene and calm. At the moment I don't have anyone lucky by my side. My fans who are crazy with affection are my own people, I have them by my side".