Demet Özdemir posted pictures with a new look, she doesn't look like her either. What a change!

Demet Özdemir posted pictures with a new look, she doesn't look like her either. What a change!

The beautiful actress, Demet Özdemir, continues to make people talk about her. "The protagonist of Daydreamer so loved by the Italian public and that we will see interviewed by Silvia Toffanin, before enjoying a quick stay in Italy, she took part in a very special photoshoot, for the " Part Magazine".

In the pictures published in the magazine her cover is also dedicated to her, she appears almost unrecognizable, her slightly dark look reminiscent of Tim Burton's films. The actress shows up with long and straight hair, completely devoid of her characteristic waves, with a fringe and makeup that gives her a very special look, between a dark and an Egyptian style, a strange combination.

An aspect which at first glance takes it very far away from the sweet image we are used to. However, this total exit from her comfort zone seems to have done well for the beautiful Demet, who thinks the shot is really great and doesn't get tired of sharing it on socials. The over 11 million followers who follow the actress's stories on her Instagram profile are of the same opinion and continue to show great interest, with likes and comments, on the photography done for the magazine.

Among the comments received in the picture, there are those of her friend and colleague Fatma Toptas, who starred in "Room 309" and "Love is spring", or Birand Tunca and Ali Yagci from "Daydreamer - the wings of the dream". Demet is going through a very exciting professional moment. The lead actress of Daydreamer has become the most successful female TV personality in her country, Turkey, making her debut in the series "Dogdugun Ev Kaderindir" (Your home is your destiny).

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Yeni yolculuklarına ortak oldum ..❤️ Hayallerimin gerçekleştiği bir çekim ve röportaj oldu ...En az sizin kadar heyecanlıyım ! Hepinizi çok seviyorum ...Yolunuz açık olsun ! 🙏🏻 “Hassasiyet gereksiz... Kırılmaktan da korkmamak gerekiyor.” Demet Özdemir Projelerinden ve özel hayatından bağımsız; doğrularını, hedeflerini, korkularını ve farklılıklarını konuştuğumuz @1demetozdemir röportajı ve kapak çekimi yarından itibaren yayında! #partmag #partparadoks #demetozdemir Moda Direktörü: @rutkayozis Fotoğraf : @eylulezik Röportaj : @denizbulutsuz Saç: @enginckmk Makyaj:@nuvit Kreatif Direktör: @okansaykun @denizbulutsuz Yayın Direktörü: @unalhande @baristaylandemirige Prodüksiyon: @tugceicyuz Moda Asistanı: @cagla.ust

Une publication partagée par Demet Özdemir (@1demetozdemir) le

Who knows if we will see her in Italy in this new production, anyway, for the moment we can still continue to appreciate her with the episodes of "Daydreamer" and "Room 309", which really revealed to the world, the exceptional acting ability and the beauty of this beautiful Turkish girl.

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