The last days of filming on Hercai, the popular series aired by Nova on Saturday nights and which has achieved great popularity in many countries, are coming to an end after two years of filming, and both the crew and the actors are starting to show signs of fatigue. Proof of this has been the latest incident involving Akin Akinözü on the film set. Apparently, he arrived late to the filming and was scolded by the production, something that the actor did not take well, even causing some damage.
According to what was posted on social media, the handsome Turkish actor started a loud argument with Suat Erdoğmuş, the member of the production crew who called him out and subsequently left the set, something that Akin has denied on his Instagram account, clarifying what happened according to his version.
"I have always felt the obligation to explain myself (...), for the fact that allegedly happened today and whose reality is reflected in a completely different way. While I was in the caravan at the time of preparation before the recordings on 04/19/2021, the set manager attacked me and uttered insulting and threatening words for a delay that I did not cause. Subsequently, I filed with the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office of Midyat a criminal complaint about the person for the behaviors that continued (...) towards the physical threat. He insulted me." This is how Akinözü explained the incident.
But this is not the only event that has taken place these days on the set of Hercai in Mardin. A few days later, one of the other actors, in this case, a supporting actor, also experienced tense moments when he allegedly confronted someone from the crew about some photos he was taking with the actors of the series. The tension even reached the hands in this case.