Fatih Koyunoğlu, from 'My Home My Destiny', accused of sexual assault

Fatih Koyunoğlu, from 'My Home My Destiny', accused of sexual assault

Fatih Koyunoğlu, the actor who plays Nuh in 'My Home, My Destiny', has been accused of sexually assaulting actress Seda Çakmaksoy. According to what has been published the incidents took place in Kadıköy, a neighborhood of Istanbul, where the well-known actor went to an event where he met the actress.

The couple reportedly abandoned the venue together so that they could talk more quietly at another place nearby. Upon arriving at this other place, Fatih Koyunoğlu, who was allegedly under the influence of alcohol, hugged the actress and tried to kiss her. She rejected him and he apologized but after a while, Seda Çakmaksoy wanted to leave the place when her companion wanted to kiss her again. Although she managed to get away from him, the actor continued to harass her. 

The actor faces up to ten years in prison.
After the events, the young woman denounced the actor for sexual assault, a charge for which he could face up to 10 years in prison. At the hearing, the complainant Seda Çakmaksoy asked the judge to punish the accused with a prison sentence while the actor defended his innocence by claiming that three days after the events, the young woman and he had a new four-hour encounter in a coffee shop, an attitude that does not match, according to the actor, with the accusations.

For the time being, the Istanbul Anatolian Criminal Court of First Instance has postponed their decision to give the Prosecutor's Office time to prepare the case. 

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