Everything would suggest that the love story continues in the best possible way, but there are still doubts on the part of Alessandro Rosica: the gossip expert, in fact, has revealed some background on their relationship and, according to him, they would never sleep together.
New doubts about the couple composed by Can Yaman and Diletta Leotta
In detail, on social networks, the love story between Can and Diletta seems to continue in the best possible way: in the various pictures they publish, the couple always looks happy, smiling, and carefree, which would suggest that their love is really strong and sincere.
However, doubts are never lacking and in particular, the gossip expert Alessandro Rosica, let himself go to the new sensational revelations about the couple, writing that he knew that the two would never sleep in the same bed.
In particular, Rosica on his Instagram profile has published a post in which he claims to have collected revelations from people who work (who prefer to remain anonymous) within the hotels and B & B where in recent months have stayed Can and Diletta during their various trips around Italy.
Rosica's backstory on Can Yaman and Diletta
"The script would be pretty much the same every time," Rosica blurted out in his outburst post going on to say that although the two lovers strive to look like the model couple, they would actually be hiding a "secret."
"The relationship signs on the bed are there but why are they sleeping apart if there is so much love? There is evidence everywhere, and it shows that the two never sleep together," Rosica pointed out reiterating in fact that although there is an intimacy between the two, in the various hotel stays, Can and Diletta would always sleep in two different beds.
Can and Diletta's silence on the controversy related to their love continues
A backstory that has once again fueled the rumors about the couple of the moment, even if the two directly involved prefer not to comment on what is said about them.
In these months after the birth of their relationship, Can and Diletta have never said a word about the doubts and contradictions related to their love story, preferring to go on their way, heedless of the controversy.