Actress Hafsanur Sancaktutan: I was abused by my grandfather, I was the grand-daughter of a pedophile man

Actress Hafsanur Sancaktutan: I was abused by my grandfather, I was the grand-daughter of a pedophile man

Actress Hafsanur Sancaktutan shared on her Instagram story that she was abused by her grandfather as a child.

"Read, this story is very familiar! All those who say it's a shame not to be heard! Yes, you too are abusing children. I confess, my story is similar to this one! Do I have to tell everyone? Would they be ashamed of what they did?

I was abused by my grandfather. I am the granddaughter of a pedophile. I was also harassed by my cousins, neighbors, colleagues at work. We are not ashamed, we are not afraid. I know we are not alone. Girls, don't be silent. No more silence. Because we are not alone. You are very precious. Because I love you so much."

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