Details of sexual abuse suffered by actress Melisa Döngel left blood-curdling :My mother did not believe me...

Details of sexual abuse suffered by actress Melisa Döngel left blood-curdling :My mother did not believe me...

Döngel had filed a complaint against her father 4 years ago, but the sexual abuse of which she was a victim goes back several years. Upon Döngel's complaint, her father A.D. was arrested. Stating that his daughter wanted to work as an actress in a film agency, A.D said, "I didn't want her to leave. There was some change in her behavior after she started with the agency. I can't understand why she made such an accusation against me. I am a father who loves my daughter. My neighbors know what kind of person I am, you can ask about sexual abuse. The lawsuit was filed against him for "top-line child sexual abuse".

After A. D., who defended himself in the same way in court, a shocking statement came from the mother N. D. Saying that she had been married to her husband for 19 years, the Ukrainian citizen mother N. D., said: "My daughter told me 2 years ago that her father had abused her, but I didn't believe him because I didn't see him. The 17-year-old Döngel described the horrific incident in a lengthy statement. Döngel, who said her father also used violence, tried to explain how hurt she was by saying, "There is always a fight at home. In the simplest way, if the location of the water was changed, he would come and kick and slap us.

Stating that she told her mother about the sexual abuse she suffered, which left her with deep scars, the actress said, "My mother didn't believe it. " She said, "Don't go to the police, they'll take your father, then they'll let him go, what will happen to you, he'll kill you.

My mother and father continued to play at home in front of me," said Döngel. Explaining that he was a source of money for his father and that he gambled, Döngel said, "I was constantly working to stay out of the house. I told not only my mother but also my friends about the abuse I was exposed to. I was exposed to my first sexual harassment in high school," she said.

Döngel, who tried to express her great fear by saying, "I couldn't say anything because my father was constantly threatened to end what I was doing as an actress and remove me from school," said Döngel, "I even tried to kill myself.

I don't remember how many times I was hospitalized. Then I regretted, "Why did I do this to myself? "' I said. But I couldn't help it," she said.

Döngel, who said she was afraid to complain about her mother's words, tried to express her experiences in heartbreaking words: "I have no patience to endure anymore.

I'm tired of standing up straight. I'm so tired of living like nothing happened. I'm really getting bored. I feel like I'm 30 years old. I never had my childhood. While my friends were playing in the park, I was saying, "How can I get rid of this man?

I always wanted to go, I thought about my little sister. How will I be a mother from now on? How will I get married? If I ever have a daughter, how can I leave her at home with her father?"

There were also witnesses in this case. Although A.D.'s relatives accused the victim's daughter of "lying", the report also revealed that Döngel suffered from major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, revealing her horror.

In the report, it was noted that this situation could occur with acts of sexual abuse.

After all the evidence, the court stated that the statement of the accused was intended to get rid of the crime and had not been respected.

Noted that Melisa Döngel told the incident with persistence and sincerity, agreed with each other at every step.

He sentenced A.D. to 15 years in prison.

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