After the event that deeply shook Turkey, many names also revealed the abuse they were exposed to. After actress Hafsanur Sancaktutan, announced that she was abused by her grandfather when she was a child, actress Seray Kaya also stated that she was sexually assaulted by her friend's father on her social media account.
Finally, it was alleged that actress Melisa Döngel, who acted in TV series such as "Bizim Hikâye", "Sen Çal Kapımı", "Elif", was abused by her own father. It was claimed that her father was arrested and sent to prison after the incident, and Döngel received psychological treatment a few years ago to overcome the traces of the abuse.
It was also reflected on social media that the young actress was in court with her father in prison for the custody of her 17-year-old sister, so as not to live what she lived.