The actor Can Yaman, after having concluded his summer vacation in Belgrade, Serbia, together with his friend and agent Roberto Macellari, returned to Italy to participate in the Venice Film Festival and then to start shooting the new television series produced by Lux Vide Viola come il mare, which features the actress Francesca Chillemi.
During the vacations of the Turkish actor, there was no lack of controversy, especially for the absence of Diletta Leotta both in Sardinia and in Serbia, but the criticism was also directed to the attitude of Can Yaman, who according to many fans and not, would have changed significantly in recent times.
Can Yaman disappoints fans
Can Yaman has ended up in the crosshairs of controversy because of his behavior, which according to some fans would be rather haughty and arrogant. In detail, admirers of the Turkish actor did not like the fact that Yaman began to post some stories on his Instagram profile showing only his sculpted physique. In addition to that, controversy would also arise after Can posted videos in which some of the fans were waiting for him with anticipation under the house where he is staying in Rome. Also in this occasion, the Turkish star would have been too pompous.