Kerem Bursin, the leading actor of the successful TV soap of Canale 5 Love is in the air has flown in these hours in Italy. The Turkish actor, who plays the charming Serkan Bolat, will be Silvia Toffanin's guest at Verissimo in an episode that will be aired in a few weeks.
Kerem Bursin, the Serkan of Love is in the air guest at Verissimo
Kerem Bursin, aka Serkan Bolat from Love is in the Air, is currently in Italy to record an interview with Verissimo. Guest that viewers of Canale 5 will presumably see in late autumn.
In fact, according to rumors, Silvia Toffanin and her team will not air the chat with the Turkish actor right away, but they will keep this ace up their sleeve for the weeks to come. So for Kerem Bursin's many fans, there will be a wait. As it happened last year for Can Yaman and Demet Ozdemir, protagonists of Daydreamer, also for Serkan of Love is in the air the presenter will try to investigate his past and his love life.
Kerem Bursin announces on Instagram his arrival in Italy
In fact, the actor is very active on Instagram, where he constantly keeps his fans updated. It is not a mystery that Kerem Bursin is engaged with his set colleague Hande Erçel, who plays Eda in Love is in the air.
A love that from the fiction of the set has moved into reality and that, as expected, is making their many followers dream. Handsome, charming, and endowed with an uncommon magnetism, Kerem Bursin is the man of the moment, thanks to the success of the TV Series that, since the beginning of the summer, is broadcasted on Canale 5.
For him, therefore, success not only in his homeland but also in Italy. It was the actor himself, through Instagram Stories, to anticipate his arrival in Italy. From the image posted on social media, you can see him on board a plane with a tricolor flag. The post has sent Italian fans into raptures, so much so that the hashtag.
Kerem Bursin: the popularity exploded thanks to the role of Serkan
Waiting to see him soon on air in Silvia Toffanin's living room, many things are known about him, but many are still to be discovered. It will be the task of the hostess of Verissimo to know more about him, including his future plans. At the moment we know that Serkan Bolat of Love is in the air has lived for a long time in the USA, because of his father's work. Here he had the opportunity to deepen one of his great passions, acting. Since his first theatrical experiences, Kerem Bersin understood that this was his path, so much so that he perfected his acting career in Los Angeles.
The actor has ranged in recent years from film to television. The big success for him came with the role of Serkan Bolat in Love is in the air, which in Turkey is known as Sen Çal Kapımı. For him growing popularity that could open up other opportunities.