The tag "Sonkezsençalkapımı" was opened on Twitter for the series that appeared on screen with the last episode. Fans, meanwhile, shared millions of shares in a short time using this hashtag. The tag, also used by the main actors, became the owner of the title of "the most talked-about series tweeted in the world" with 9 million tweets. The open tag for Sen Çal Kapımı left the Game of Thrones series in the background with 7.8 million shares.
Thinking about all the amazing memories and positivity this show has created in my life, the only words that come to mind are thank you! Thank you to everyone who worked on the show my family 🤘🏻AND Thank YOU to the amazing international family we have become! #sonkezsencalkapımı
— Kerem Bürsin (@KeremBursin) September 8, 2021