Can Yaman has launched his perfume on the market and the Turkish actor's fans have responded enthusiastically, storming the official website to stock up. Surprised by the affection of his supporters and grateful for the welcome he received in Palermo, the set of the new TV drama Viola come il Mare, Yaman announced a special exclusive to thank all those who continue to stand by him.
Can Yaman: beautiful gesture for the fans
Busy on the set of Viola con il Mare, where he will play the character of Francesco Demir, the handsome Can Yaman never stops being amazed by the warm welcome he has received from his Palermo fans. The Turkish actor is enjoying extraordinary success in Italy and in the new drama he will put himself to the test, after endless diction lessons, acting for the first time entirely in Italian. On the occasion of the launch of Mania, the fragrance designed to bring a bit of himself into the homes of all the most die-hard supporters, Can made an unexpected announcement that made his admirers rejoice.
"The affection I'm receiving in Palermo these weeks really leaves me speechless. To thank I have an exclusive surprise for you. In a very short time will come all the details," wrote the Yaman on Instagram. The actor, finished the commitments on the set, will give life to the Mania Tour that will touch some of the most important cities of the Bel Paese.
The first event, which will allow fans to buy the fragrance of the sexiest star around and meet him in person, is scheduled in Palermo at Aldo Coppola's salon on October 24. In addition to the presence of Can, this will be the first event in which buyers will be able to purchase the fragrance directly in-store and not online, as instead provided until now.