New background information has emerged on Sandokan, the highly anticipated Rai 1 event series starring Can Yaman, which will begin official shooting in 2022. The Turkish actor, who has become a real star in our country, will be the male protagonist of this remake which is one of the most anticipated titles of the next television season. At his side, however, the presence of several female partners is expected and one of these could be the eclectic Elena Sofia Ricci, star of the fiction Che Dio ci aiuti.
Sandokan with Can Yaman: Luca Argentero's presence confirmed
In detail, in recent months it has been announced with great enthusiasm the remake of Sandokan, the famous series that was brought to success by Kabir Bedi and that, this time, will star Can Yaman. The Turkish star who has bewitched Italian audiences with his successful television series aired on Canale 5, will be the guest star of this series that will be aired in absolute exclusivity on Rai 1.
There is no shortage of behind-the-scenes information about the Sandokan remake and, in the last few hours, new details have emerged about what could be the official cast of the long-awaited television series.
In addition to Can Yaman, the presence of Luca Argentero is also confirmed. He is one of the undisputed protagonists of Italian fiction in this period, star of the medical drama Doc - Nelle Tue mani (In your hands), which reached record ratings in the prime time of Rai 1, reaching 8 million viewers.
The latest behind-the-scenes information on the remake of Sandokan with Can
At the side of Can, however, there will also be female partners. According to what has been reported in these hours on the pages of Bubino Blog, for the role of Marianne, there has not yet been a final choice on the actress who will play her and who will be in effect the female partner of Yaman.
However, it is not excluded that this role could be entrusted to an international actress and fans hope to see Can again alongside Demet Ozdemir, with whom she shared the successful experience in the Turkish soap DayDreamer - Le Ali del Sogno, also broadcast last year on Canale 5.
When will Sandokan be broadcast on Rai 1? Here are the news about the schedule
And then again, the background on the cast of the remake of Sandokan see among the favorites also Elena Sofia Ricci.The actress, star of the fiction Che Dio ci aiuti, would be in pole position to join the cast of this fiction that will most likely air in 2023 on Rai 1. The series with Yaman could be broadcast close to next year's Sanremo Festival, thus also enjoying the promotion that could be done on the Ariston stage.