Much loved and idolized by all his admirers, the Turkish actor Can Yaman is constantly on everyone's lips for his career and, of course, for his private life, much talked about by many magazines. Just in these hours, the interpreter of "DayDreamer - The Wings of Dream" has made a real escape from the Eternal City, his residence for a few years now. Why did he do it? To find you? Will there be blowback in the works?
Can Yaman flees from Rome: why?
A beloved actor familiar to audiences all over the world, Can has taken part in several very important audiovisual projects. On the lips of his many die-hard fans, the Turkish interpreter is always at the center of gossip. In these hours, however, Yaman is really at the center of the gossip news: it seems that the protagonist of "Bitter Sweet - Ingredients of Love" has run away from the capital of Italy (his residence for some time). Did he do it to meet a woman? Flashback in progress?
Yaman: flashback?
In these last hours, it has been learned that Can has made a kind of escape from Rome. In this regard, a lot of admirers have begun to talk enough about this exodus of his. What is it all about? Will the young man have something to hide?
According to someone, Yaman would have moved from the city that serves as his second home for a secret meeting with the beautiful Diletta Leotta, his former flame, with whom the relationship ended a few months ago. Is it true?
According to some rumors, the Turkish star of "Mr. Wrong - Love Lessons" would not be back with the wonderful Diletta Leotta. In fact, it seems that the love story between the actor and the DAZN presenter is, to the sadness of fans, closed for good (for the moment).
The so-called escape from the beautiful city of the Colosseum would have taken place because it seems that the boy is looking for a new home to have a little more privacy from the continuous trance between work, admirers and press. Will it really be like that? We will find out only by living.