CanYaman is returning to Turkey for a project with Disney Plus

CanYaman is returning to Turkey for a project with Disney Plus

Can Yaman Is Coming For His TV Series to Turkey! 

Can Yaman fans have been given good news. He is returning to his country for a series that will start shooting in Turkey. Can Yaman, who went to Italy after the Early Bird series and continued his acting career there, will soon come to our country. It was informed that he will continue his acting in Turkey. It is already being wondered in which series he will play. The world-famous name made everyone happy. He agreed with Disney Plus! 

Disney Plus is expected to serve our country in the summer months. Disney Plus, which will appear as a digital content platform, already broadcasts content in many countries. It was emphasized that the company agreed with many names, including Can Yaman. The name of Can Yaman's series will be announced soon. 

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