Rumors in Turkey talk about an "ongoing diatribe" between Demet Özdemir and Hande Erçel. The reason? At the base of it all there would be some "jealousy" from the DayDreamer star towards her colleague: it is rumored that Demet doesn't follow Hande on social networks anymore because, compared to her, she would receive more job offers in TV series productions. Some Turkish journalists specialized in TV and Gossip, however, do not believe this thesis.
The possible diatribe between Demet Özdemir and Hande Erçel
The indiscretion is going crazy in these last days in Turkey on the pages of the gossip magazines, where they talk about the "rivalry" that there would be between Demet Özdemir and Hande Erçel. At the origin of the diatribe there would not be jealousy for exes or new loves, but something that would concern the working sphere.
to her. Just because of this Demet would have also decided not to follow her anymore on Instagram. On the "social" issue has been questioned by journalists Hande Erçel herself, who remained vague, limiting herself to say "anything could happen". Some journalists do not believe Demet Özdemir's jealousy
The situation has also been analyzed by major Turkish journalists.
For some this whole affair is just gossip and Demet Özdemir would not be jealous at all, although this diatribe has been talked about for a long time. Others, however, underline the fact that Hande Erçel, in recent times, has slightly exceeded Demet in popularity, also making a comparison that would compare the two.
In fact, at least in Turkey, the love story between Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin would have gone a little bit along the "same road" previously taken by Demet Özdemir and Can Yaman. The popularity on the same kind of gossip experienced at different times, with the consequent presence in the covers, could go hand in hand with the work demand.
For some, despite the fact that "jealousy" is very present in the show biz world, Demet's stance would be an impossible thing, especially since it would not bring her any advantage to besmirch a colleague who belongs to the same agency.
Anyway, whether the gossip is true or not, both of them have 2022 full of projects ahead of them, as they have been "recruited" by Disney Plus for the launch of its digital platform in Turkey, together with Can Yaman and Kerem Bürsin. As for Demet, on the other hand, Love Tactics, the romantic comedy featuring her alongside Şükrü Özyıldız, will be released on Netflix on February 11.