İbrahim Çelikkol is going through a complicated time. His fans had long been commenting on the estrangement between the actor and his wife, Mihre Mutlu Çelikkol, and finally, the suspicions have been confirmed. The star of 'My Home, My Destiny' is in the midst of divorce proceedings with the architect, whom he married in 2017, following a few months of living separate lives. The couple had a son in 2019, Ali, whom we have been able to see these last days with his father.
They have tried to save the marriage for their son
Although the reasons for the separation have not emerged, the truth is that Turkish media such as Hurriyet confirm that the couple would have already been six months trying to avoid having to take this step for the sake of little Ali, but it seems that the discrepancies have not been solved and they have decided to end their marriage by mutual agreement. In addition, the architect's entourage confesses that both have removed their wedding rings some time ago.
Fans already smelled that something was not going well after months without seeing a family photo, to which the actor had accustomed us. On the contrary, İbrahim has been sharing snapshots alone with his son for a while now, even away from home, in Adana, where the actor is filming his next project. For her part, Mihre further fueled the rumors by deleting some social media posts in which she appeared alongside her husband.
The actor was full of praise for his wife in his last interview.
Despite not being very fond of the media, a little over a year ago the star of the drama 'Love in Black and White' gave an interview to Hakan Gence, a prestigious journalist from Turkey, in which he confessed how important his wife was for him "My wife is my biggest support. In fact, sometimes she thinks of me more than I do. Her support gives me strength. Being a family is something like that for us."