The series "Sen Çal Kapımı" starring Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin, which has said goodbye to the screens not long ago continues to generate great impact around the world. The production, which met the public in 85 countries, was turned into a book when it was broadcast in Italy. The love of the two popular characters of the series, Eda (Hande Erçel) and Serkan (Kerem Bürsin), has been turned into a romance book by an Italian publishing house.
The book titled 'Love Is In The Air', which is about to hit the shelves in Italy, will be on sale in all bookstores in Italy from January 18. The publishing house has also announced that it will also be available as an e-book. Thus, the TV series "Sen Çal Kapımı" has broken new ground in Turkey. The fans of the series in Italy were also very happy about this news. The book is anticipated to break sales records in Italy.