Can Yaman's fans have turned against the gossip about the alleged flirtation between the Turkish actor and fellow actor Francesca Chillemi. The two have been working for months on the filming of "Viola come il mare," and since then increasingly loud rumors have begun to circulate about the kind of relationship that binds Yaman and Chillemi. After the latest photos with gossip attached, the people of the web rebelled and rose up against one of the sources of the gossip. Let's find out what happened!
Can Yaman's fans rise up against those who speculate on the actor and Francesca Chillemi
It seems that the people of the web is fed up with the continuous speculations about the couple Can Yaman-Francesca Chillemi. The two actors, since they began working together for the fiction "Viola come il mare", have been overwhelmed by a storm of gossip about an alleged flirtation between them.
The first rumors were sparked by photos of Can Yaman as he was leaving Francesca Chillemi's Roman home. This raised quite a few suspicions about the relationship between the two actors, until - albeit in their own way - the two denied it. Now, however, fans seem to have had enough of these rumors, which ended up causing even a crisis between Chillemi and partner Stefano Rosso.
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One of the many magazines as well as a source of Italian gossip, has recently published some shots of Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi together, assuming from the photos what was happening between the two actors. While doing their job, however, the magazine's editors never predicted that this time the people of the web would rebel. In the comments under the post published by the official Instagram profile of the source, in fact, you can read many nasty comments against the magazine, including offensive words and - unfortunately as often happens - heavy threats aimed at defending their favorites.
What will Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi have to say about it?