Disney Plus is preparing to broadcast as a digital platform in Turkey. This year, agreements have been made with masters like Engin Akyürek, Demet Özdemir and Can Yaman. Now the information has come that a new name has been included. You will be very happy with this news...
First of all, an agreement has been reached with Engin Akyürek. Kaçış will be the first series expected with great expectations. After the handsome actor, deals started to be made with other players. Now the news has come that a deal has been made with top actor Halit Ergenç. Disney Plus, which is about to make a big splash this year, will cause a lot of talks.
Engin Akyürek, Demet Özdemir, Can Yaman are coming!
The number of people doing business continues to increase day by day. In this journey that started with Engin Akyürek, agreements were made with many names. Some of the names with which agreements were made were Aras Bulut Iynemli, Can Yaman, Şahan Gökbakar, Pınar Deniz, Buğra Gülsoy, Demet Özdemir, İrem Helvacıoğlu, Hande Erçel.
Disney Plus!