On Saturday, January 15, Telecinco broadcasted Deluxe in prime time. The show featured one of its most recurrent guests, Lolita Flores, who offered a very earthy and comical interview, with many allusions to her family and past.
María Patiño and Terelu Campos, on 'Sábado Deluxe'.
Terelu Campos says what she finds most difficult about returning to 'Sálvame' and announces the trailer for a special on Rocío Carrasco. But the daughter of La Faraona, who will star in one of the next installments of Planeta Calleja on Cuatro, also talked about the present, how excited she is about the motherhood of Elena Furiase, that both love and sex have become very lazy and that she is passionate about the actor Can Yaman.
Jorge Javier VS las series turcas de Antena 3 #lolitadeluxe pic.twitter.com/Zyx62Tezae
— Diego 🧸 (@diegobferrandez) January 15, 2022
"Hey, be careful, Turkish series are not mentioned here. With them, the evil began. No water for the enemy," said Jorge Javier Vázquez at the mention of the interpreter. The presenter censored the comment of the artist without knowing that some productions in which Yamán participates are broadcast on the Mediaset Divinity channel, something that Lydia Lozano was quick to remind him.
"Of enemy nothing, they feed me all year," Lolita said, referring to her work as a juror in Tu cara me suena, the format of Atresmedia. "We want absolutely nothing to do with Turkey," insisted the presenter in a clear allusion to Antena 3's Turkish soap operas, one of the main stumbling blocks Telecinco has to overcome the "enemy" among audiences.