The set of Viola come il mare, closed roads from the center to Arenella, also returns to Palermo

The set of Viola come il mare, closed roads from the center to Arenella, also returns to Palermo

 Not only "II Generale Dalla Chiesa" and "La ragazza di Corleone", from 14 to 21 February the troupe of "Viola come it mare", but the TV series with Francesca Chillemi and Can Yaman also returns to Palermo. And even in this case, as early as February 12. there are several roads, from the historic center to Arenella, which will be subject to traffic restrictions to allow filming. 

Here, in summary, what will be the areas in which the actors and entourage of the fiction will move, in which days, and the related prohibitions that will be triggered. All temporary closures to vehicular transit will be agreed upon in advance by the production with the municipal police command. Prohibitions between piazza Marina and via Alloro 

Marina Square 

In the section between via Vittorio Emanuele and via Lungarini: no parking from 4 pm on 12 February to 8 pm on 21 February. 

In the stretch between street number 64 and street number 88: no parking and closure of vehicular transit, intermittently, for the time necessary to allow filming from 4pm on 12 February to 8pm on 21 February. 

Via della Vetriera 

In the section between via Alloro and via Francesco Riso: no parking and closed to traffic, intermittently, for the time necessary to allow shooting from 4pm on 12 February to 8pm on 21 February. 

In the stretch in front of street number 72 (Palazzo Sanibuca), for ten meters: parking is prohibited from 7 to 19 on 12 February and from 00.01 on 14 February to 19 on 21 February. Here a platform will be mounted for loading and unloading props on the terrace of Palazzo Sambuca. 

Via Francesco Riso 

In the stretch between via della Vetriera and via della Cannella: no parking and closure of vehicular transit, intermittently, for the time necessary to allow filming from 4pm on 12 February to 8pm on 21 February. 

Via Alloro 

In the stretch between street number 50 and via della Vetriera: no parking from 4pm on February 12 to 8pm on February 21 

Prohibitions in the Cattedrale area

Piazza Sett'Angeli 

In the entire square, excluding the pedestrian area: no parking from 2pm on February 12th to 8pm on February 21st. 

In the stretch in front of street number 10 (Palazzo Artale Tumminello), for twenty meters: no parking from 7 to 19 for 11 and 12 February 2022 and from 00.01 on 14 February to 20 on 21 February. Also in this case, means of production will be supported by uploading material on the terrace of Palazzo Artale Tumminello. 

Way of the Coronation 

Entire section: no parking from 2pm on February 12th to 8pm on February 21st and closed to vehicular transit, intermittently for filming, from 4pm on February 12th to 8pm on February 21st. 

Via Matteo Bonello 

In the section between via dell'Incoronazione and via Gioeni: no parking from 14 February 12 to 20 February 21 and closed to vehicular transit, intermittently for filming, from February 12 to February 21. 

Prohibitions at Arenella Piazza Tonnara 

Entire square: it is forbidden to park from 1.2 noon on 17 February to 20 on 21 February. Arenella airport No parking from 12 on 17 February to 20 on 21 February. 

Prohibitions at the Albergheria 

Via Porta di Castro 

In the stretch between via dei Benedettini and vicolo Cannata: closed to vehicular traffic for the time strictly necessary to allow intermittent filming between 14 and 21 February. 

Vicolo Cannata 

Entire alley: the transit of vehicles is prohibited, during the moments dedicated to filming, between 14 and 21 February. 

Vicolo Piscione 

Whole alley: road closed during filming that can be done, intermittently, between 14 and 21 February. 

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