The new collection of actress Hande Erçel that will be released with a jewelry brand was presented in Dubai. Atasay Kamer, whose name has been involved in the rumors of love with Erçel, made a show of reflecting Erçel's face on the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa.
According to Calendar News, the most popular couple in the tabloid world, Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin broke up in January 2022, upsetting their fans. Focusing on her career, Hande Erçel became the face of a jewelry company. There was even talk that he had a love affair with Atasay Kamer, the company's CEO.
There was a surprising development yesterday. Hande Erçel went to Dubai for the company where she will prepare a new collection. Atasay Kamer accompanied the beautiful actress. Saying she was very excited about the invitation, Hande Erçel's face was reflected on the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa.
The beautiful actress flew with happiness when she saw herself in the world's tallest building. Hande Erçel and Atasay Kamer met at a celebratory dinner after the advertising promotion with a beautiful show.