Can Yaman reportedly undergo surgery for nasal septum problems

Can Yaman reportedly undergo surgery for nasal septum problems

Health problems for the charming Can Yaman? Apparently yes. According to some rumors that have been circulating on the web in the last few hours, the Turkish actor would have undergone surgery to fix a small problem related to the nasal septum. Not much is known about the facts, nor what could have led the star to operate, but the fact is that it took very little to believe that under the choice to enter the operating room there is the idea of improving aesthetically.

Can in the operating room?

After having been busy for a long time on the set of 'Viola come il mare', a series produced by Lux Vide that should be broadcast soon with co-star Francesca Chillemi, Can had to face a health problem.

According to the rumors that have animated the web in recent days, this is the news about the actor, born in Istanbul but now permanently based in Italy.

Already during the filming of DayDreamer, Yaman had health problems related to his eyes. Those who have followed the series will remember that in some episodes the actor had to wear sunglasses because of the discomfort that the light caused him. Later the problem was solved brilliantly, but now it is the nasal septum that has led Can to the hospitalization and apparently also to a surgical intervention.

The news has not been confirmed by the person concerned who most probably preferred to face the always unpleasant entrance in the hospital with a good dose of privacy.

The operation would have been performed by a person he had frequented in the past for other reasons. In fact, it would have been Diletta Leotta's brother to field his skills as a doctor to help the former brother-in-law. So, if all the news were confirmed, between Can and the doctor there would still be a very good interpersonal relationship despite the end of the relationship with the sports journalist, leading face of DAZN.

Aesthetic touch-up or health problem?

Who knows if Can will decide to tell his fans what happened to him, also to shut up the rumors that the intervention would be a 'surgical touch-up', since Diletta's brother often deals with aesthetic interventions. But in reality, the actor's face does not seem to need any other improvements, according to his closest supporters.

Now all that's left to do is wait for Can's next jobs to be able to see him in action on set, and who knows if followers will be able to figure out if indeed the nasal septum surgery has brought changes to Yaman's facial physiognomy.

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