Can Yaman is getting ready to come back on video on Canale 5. The Turkish actor, the protagonist of several successful dramas, will soon be back on the air with a new drama entitled "Viola come il mare".
This is a series destined for prime time broadcast on Canale 5's national network, where the Turkish actor will be alongside Francesca Chillemi. But when will these long-awaited new series go on air? The first episode could already be broadcast within the month of March.
The return to television of Can Yaman with the fiction 'Viola come il mare'.
In detail, Viola come il mare (Violet like the sea) is the new professional project in which Can Yaman is the protagonist. It is the first fiction, where he acts in Italian, that sees him as a protagonist in Italy.
Until now, in fact, Italian viewers have only been able to see Can in a few TV series that were imported from Turkey and that has made a "boom" in the daytime and primetime ratings on Canale 5.
Now, however, Can will try his hand at a series "all his own" that will mark his official debut on the Italian small screen.
Francesca Chillemi by the side of Can Yaman in this new Mediaset fiction
At his side, in this adventure, will be the talented Francesca Chillemi. The two already met on the set of "Che Dio ci aiuti 6", the TV series on Rai 1, where Can was a special guest during the last episode.
The relationship between Can and Francesca, however, has solidified even more in these months in which there have been the filming of Viola come il mare, so much so that there was also talk of a possible flirtation between the two actors (never denied, but not even confirmed by those directly involved).
The fact is that, in a few weeks, viewers will be able to see the couple Can-Francesca in action, in this new fiction.
When will Viola come out with Can Yaman? The possible date
The previews on the programming of Viola come il mare, reveal that the series is scheduled for Wednesday evening, immediately after the end of Più forti del destino, another Canale 5 drama that will debut on March 9 and 11 with a special double date in prime time.
Overall, Più forti del destino is composed of 4 episodes, which should then be aired in the remaining Wednesdays of Mediaset's National network. This means that the first episode of Viola come il mare with Can Yaman (barring any further programming changes) should be broadcast on Wednesday 30th March in primetime on Canale 5.
The drama is composed of a total of 6 episodes that would cover the month of April, to the delight of the many Italian fans (and not only) of the Turkish actor, considered a real sex symbol.