Demet Ozdemir big surprise for Can Yaman because she returns...

Demet Ozdemir big surprise for Can Yaman because she returns...

Demet Ozdemir big surprise for Can Yaman because she returns...

It is again Alessandro Rosica, social investigator, to give us news about the most famous Turkish actors including precisely the beautiful Demet Ozdemir. Let's read what Rosica recently wrote on his Instagram.

"Italian and Spanish sirens for the beautiful Turkish actress Demet Ozdemir. Based on my Turkish sources, the actress would be at a major crossroads, learning languages and moving between Italy and Spain as well as staying in her hometown where she is a true icon, loved by everyone."

And again, Rosica continues:

"As of today for Demet, Italy is no longer a dream. Even if the Europe option remains difficult, since Demet, unfortunately, doesn't speak Italian, Spanish and English, so even if she wanted to, it would take years of study. Would you like to see her in Italy?"

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