Kerem Bursin is no longer following Hande Ercel on Instagram.

Kerem Bursin is no longer following Hande Ercel on Instagram.

The love between Kerem Bursin and Hande Ercel would seem to have come to an end. First, the actress of Love is in the air to stop following her colleague and boyfriend and delete all the photos with him, but now the actor has also stopped following her. It would seem to be a definitive departure, especially if you give credence to the rumors about Hande's new alleged flirtation with a Turkish businessman.

Hande Ercel and Kerem Bursin stop following each other on Instagram

The first gesture that made fans suspicious started from Hande: it was the Turkish actress who plays Eda in Love is in the air who stopped following her colleague and boyfriend since April 2021 on Instagram.

In addition, Hande deleted all photos with him from her profile. Later, Kerem merely deleted the photo he posted in April 2021 to make their engagement official and which showed them on vacation in the Maldives. On March 17, however, Kerem also stopped following his Hande, although he kept their photos together on the Instagram backstage of Love is in the air.

Kerem and Hande's current love situation: she would be with someone else

Kerem Bursin would seem to be single at the moment and it was her own manager, Gunfer Gunaydin, who confirmed this: "At the moment there is no one in Kerem's life". With this sentence, the agent has both confirmed the breakup with Hande and denied the actor's alleged new flirtation with actress Elif Gokalp.

According to unconfirmed rumors, Hande Ercel is dating the famous Turkish entrepreneur Atasay Kamer, owner of a jewelry company of which the actress herself is testimonial. So, the two would have met for business reasons and, according to the Gossip, later fell in love.

Just as it happened between Hande and Kerem: as the actor himself said in the interview given to Verissimo in September 2021, in fact, between him and his colleague would not be the classic lightning bolt, but the love would blossom as the filming of the TV series continued.

The reasons of the breakup between Kerem and Hande

Although the crisis has not been officially confirmed or denied by the parties involved, the movements on the social networks of the two appear unequivocal. What seems to be less clear is the motivation for the end of the romance. It is not known that the alleged approach of Hande to the Turkish entrepreneur was the trigger or intervened at a later time. According to other hypotheses, the crisis would have been triggered by Hande's jealousy or even a choice imposed by the managers of the two actors.

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