Demet Özdemir's fans were left speechless after hearing the news about the Daydreamer actress' wedding. Özdemir has entered the hearts of Italian audiences thanks to the Turkish TV soap, in which she starred with the charming Can Yaman. It recently emerged that the two had a brief affair during the filming of the TV show, something that their admirers had already suspected for some time.
Thus, many started dreaming of a possible rapprochement between the two ex-lovers, but an announcement from Demet now dismantles all their hopes. Here's what Özdemir has revealed...
Demet Özdemir anticipates wedding: no chance of blowback with Can Yaman
Demet Özdemir and her boyfriend, Oğuzhan Koç, announced in February that they are about to get married. The Turkish singer proposed to the Daydreamer actress on Valentine's Day, but since then the two still don't seem to have fixed a date. After snatching a few confessions from the actress and the singer, Turkish media revealed that the couple's wedding would be celebrated around the end of summer, more precisely in August. However, it seems that now things have changed...
Demet Özdemir and Oğuzhan Koç were caught by journalists coming out of a restaurant during a break from their respective work commitments. The paparazzi then started asking questions about their wedding, asking the two if they had finally chosen a date.
"We are waiting for a date from you. Tell us the date. We are available in the summer," Demet's boyfriend comments after the actress deflected questions about the wedding. When the paparazzi ask insistently "You mean July? Is it possible?", a question to which Koç responds, "We can get married that period, it suits us [...] We will get married whenever Demet wants".
So, it seems that Demet Özdemir's wedding could be anticipated by a month compared to what was assumed. But will it really be like that? Should Daydreamer fans give up all hope of seeing the actress in Can Yaman's arms again?