Can Yaman's autobiography, "It Feels Strange to Me Too," has allowed fans of the actor to get to know their favorite on a much deeper level. In fact, in his book, Yaman opens up more about his past and how he became who he is today.
Can Yaman and his connection to basketball: "This time the passion for the sport played in my favor..."
Given his lusty physical fitness, it certainly didn't take Can Yaman's statements to let fans know just how passionate the actor is about sports. However, there is one passage in particular in his autobiography in which the actor reveals how much his passion came in handy at a cathartic time in his life:
"[...] This time the passion for sports played in my favor. When I heard that the basketball coach at the university was an old acquaintance of mine, I asked to join his team and managed to get a scholarship. I had found a way to study at a prestigious university while continuing my passion for sports. I was beside myself with joy."
With these words, Can Yaman reveals to his fans how his passion for sports has been essential to achieve his goals. Thanks to his dedication, commitment, and ambition, in fact, the actor was able to continue his studies at Yeditepe University, a prestigious university in Turkey, without having to put aside his interests and dreams.