İrem Helvacıoğlu: They injected my arm with tea on the set

İrem Helvacıoğlu: They injected my arm with tea on the set

This week İrem Helvacıoğlu was one of the guests of Dayı Show, the only live talk show program on the screens.

Helvacıoğlu explained that she was injected with cold tea once on set and she returned from the dead. Over this, "Then why did you continue to play, did not say what a ridiculous industry?" he asked her, "I did not say it, but I do not know why I continued in this show. "I was young, I didn't realize it. I would have taken a lawsuit now,  but at that time I could not afford it." gave the answer.

When he reminded her that she received the "Best hair award", the beautiful actress İrem Helvacıoğlu said, "Of course, I liked it when I learned that I got it. "I thanked my mother, the genes come from her," she said. 

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