Surprising claim about Kadir Doğulu and Serra Arıtürk

Surprising claim about Kadir Doğulu and Serra Arıtürk

Doppelganger and writer Onur Akay, who became famous under the nickname "Felaket Tellalı" in the gossip community due to his news of death and illness, was a guest on Esra Sönmezer's "Pembe Pijama" program. Akay's statement about the famous actor Kadir Doğulu shocked the audience.

Claiming that the couple Kadir Doğulu and Neslihan Atagül were going to divorce in the past few months, Onur Akay said in another magazine that the couple had made peace before an award ceremony. Akay has now made a live statement that has shocked everyone. Onur Akay, "The allegation backstage is being discussed. I heard it."

"Serra Arıtürk was the acting partner of Kadir Doğulu. There are those who say that she married him with an imam marriage." used the phrases. Akay claimed that he got this feeling from the close circle of the couple Doğulu and Atagül and that there were famous names in this close circle.

The claim that there was a crisis in the marriage of Kadir Doğulu and Neslihan Atagül was on the agenda like a bomb. It was claimed that Kadir Doğulu and Serra Arıtürk, who were much talked about, were together in the video where they were singing while looking into each other's eyes.

It was even claimed that Neslihan Atagül and Kadir Doğulu would divorce because of this. After this claim, which fell like a bomb on the magazine's agenda, it was curious what kind of explanation would come from the couple.

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