Akın Akınözü, who shared the lead role with Öykü Karayel in the series "The Game of My Destiny" this season, was seen leaving a restaurant in Etiler.
Akınözü, who takes long vacations every summer with Sandra Pestemalciyan, with whom he has been living together for a long time, was asked about his plans this year. The famous actor announced that he does not have a new project he has made a deal with yet. Akınözü explained what he pays attention to when he chooses a role.
Akınözü was reminded that biography films such as Bergen have attracted great attention recently.
On the other hand, it is known that Akın Akınözü is sulking with Ebru Şahin, his partner in the series "Hercai", with whom he worked together in Mardin for 3 seasons. Şahin unfollowed Akınözü, who allegedly mistreated her during the shootings, just after the final shooting, on the same day, she drew attention by liking a post about violence against women. Recently, when Akın Akınözü was asked "Will you go to Ebru Şahin's wedding?" in Cihangir, he remained silent.