New data about El Turco of Can Yaman: Filming location
Although there has been a lot of speculation about the place where the series was going to be filmed and although the title of the series indicated that it would be filmed in Turkey, we have to tell you that... NO!
It will be filmed in Italy and please, we will give the shooting location, but from here we ask you not to organize excursions to the place. You know how bad Can Yaman is having a hard time and we don't want to bother him at work.
So let's get down to business and the new information about Can Yaman's El Turco. The city where the series will be filmed in Italy is called Moena and is in the north of the country.
Moena is a town in the province of Trento with 2600 inhabitants. It is tiny but famous for having one of the best ski resorts in the area.
This is where part of the plot of Can Yaman's El Turco comes into play.
The plot of El Turco corresponds to a historical book by Orhan Yeniaras that tells the story of the Ottoman invasion of the Turkish troops to the city of Vienna. Something that is known as the Siege of Vienna happened back in 1683.
In the book, it is told that during the siege, a Turkish soldier by the name of Balaban Ağa was taken prisoner in Vienna but managed to escape and reached the city of Moena hiding in a district called Ischiazza. To cap it all, in the city of Moena there is a district called Turkey, and every year the Cianton Turkey Festival is held in remembrance of the siege.
In fact in the introduction of the book one can read:
"A trip you take in this town where no one speaks Turkish will be the trip of a lifetime. You will be surprised to see signs like Turkish House, Turkish Street, and Turkish Coffee. If you continue the tour, you will be greeted by a bearded and turbaned bust of a janissary placed on a marble pedestal. What is interesting is that there is a Turkish flag with a crescent moon and star on the bust's pedestal and the word "Turkish" is written clearly. If you go to the village in August, you will see that people wear typical Turkish clothes and go out in the street with the Turkish flag in their hands.
When you ask, who is this?" to any of the villagers, they will say, "He is our ancestor, we are also Turks. So who is this Turk? Ottoman intelligence officer Balaban Agha, who was found wounded and rescued by Moenas in the second siege of Vienna, settled in this village and organized a successful peasant uprising against the overlords who were stealing money from the poor."
New info on Can Yaman's El Turco: When and where it will air.
Assuming that the shooting starts in 4 months as announced and that the total shooting time does not exceed 6 months, we will have to wait another year for the editing, so the release date of Canyaman's 'El Turco' will be possibly at the end of 2023 or early 2024. I know, I know, but as my grandmother says, good things don't come in a jar.