In recent hours, Can Yaman's fans have gone wild on social media, almost sending the actor's Instagram profile into a frenzy. In recent days, in fact, the Turkish star has surprised fans with a new project in the works: a commercial for Mercedes-Benz, on whose development the actor is constantly keeping his fans updated with posts and videos. In one clip in particular, Can Yaman shows himself elegant and refined in a Dolce and Gabbana dinner jacket, an image that literally made his admirers dream to the point of leading them to see the perfect actor for the role of... James Bond!
Some fans are proposing Can Yaman for the role of 007! Will they be heard?
Can Yaman recently made several posts on his Instagram profile, in which he shows fans some previews of the commercial for Mercedes-Benz that is in the works. Admirers of the actor went wild in the comments, to say the least, but one video, in particular, caught their attention, finding them all agreeing on a common thought: Can Yam Yaman must be the next 007!
These are just a few of the comments to the video posted by Can Yaman, which in response received so many endorsements from other users. Some are even crying out for a "petition" to make this new dream of the actor's fans come true!
Those who keep up with the movie saga dedicated to 007 will surely know that the chances of seeing Can Yaman as the secret agent are a bit slim. Those, however, who are familiar with the character born from the pen of Ian Fleming, are well aware of the fact that - when it comes to James Bond - anything is possible!
And what do you think? Would you see Can Yaman well in the role of the famous spy?