In recent hours, Can Yaman posted an Instagram Story, through which he made his fans aware of his current physical condition. Actually, at a closer look, the clues that the Turkish actor was not in his most performing form had already been there, but Yaman did not seem to make a big deal out of it. Now the actor is thankfully fine, but let's see together what happened to him!
Can Yaman is fit again: but what happened to him?
" Fixed," reads one of Can Yaman's latest Instagram Stories, in which we see him sitting next to osteopath Massimiliano Mariani. In fact, the original Ig Story actually belongs to the specialist himself, later shared again by the Turkish actor, who calls him the "Enemy of Witch Blows."
In short, Can Yaman thus seems to have suffered from some backache, about which he has kept confidential until now. In fact, the clues were already there and are still there for all to see. Indeed, one does not need to scroll too far through the actor's Instagram profile to come across the video of one of his workouts, where the actor has his back turned to the camera as he tests his reflexes.
Thanks to the absence of his shirt, we can see placed on Can Yaman's lumbar area some blue patches, the "Kinesio": tapes used to soothe pain or injuries of the muscles. Fortunately, the worst is now over and the actor seems to be fit again, as communicated in his Ig Story!